Monday, April 29, 2013

An Update

Every April my posts go way down, it's like there is just so much going on and by the time my oldest ones are tired enough for bed I am already asleep walking towards my bedroom.
 Our days have been lovely my youngest is getting to a easy stage of packing up spur of the moment and taking off to the lake or out of town for the day. 

We ordered some butterfly larva which arrived on Friday, we have done this for as long as I can remember. It doesn't matter how old the kids get they still love it. Life is pretty exciting when there is always a toddler to watch life and the excitement through. I am thankful my 14 and 12 year old understand the blessing of children already. 

The children have been  taking part of a weekly co-op that they have loved.  Africa is a topic of interest right now, the homeschool mom teaching this class has done a fantastic job.  Also they have taking a class on business, learning to make a resume and how to speak confidently with public speaking.

This past weekend I took off to the CHEC Homeschool Convention,  it's so refreshing to come home excited about what you do. I am finding however none of the information is new, 10 years in this journey these speakers more solidify what I am doing rather than hearing earth shaking revelations.  The major thing I came home with was a deep sense of gratitude for how blessed we are. As I walked through the different vendor halls seeing so much laid out that I already had at home on my shelves. A sense of shame came over me that I was there to buy more! So I bought very little a few things for friends as gifts and left satisfied in what the Lord has provided.

Spring has finally arrived! It is so nice to just be outside all day. We got a lot of the garden planted,  after a little bit of begging from a daddy's girl convinced her dad he really wanted to paint her deck. :)
We also opened the pool which is so nice with all this amazing weather.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

What are you growing in your little greenhouse?