Things are going extremely well! As uncomfortable as I am - I am so thankful for these little boys health. I had a growth scan today and Baby A is no longer breech but transverse his brother is head down. Baby B is in front and A is by my back, I had noticed A's movement had slowed down lots and B had increased but it was just positioning. They are face to face with each other and there is still lots of time for them to make the shift head down.
They are growing like weeds!! Today baby A weighed 3-15 and B was 3-11 so they are staying nice and close in weight!
Acid Reflux….. I’ve figured out that if I stop eating by 6pm each night I can go to bed and be fine but I have been having some issues with my heart rate racing which is from two things, the weight inside is crushing a main blood supply when I am laying in different positions and my blood sugar is dropping in the night. It has been recommend that I snack a couple times in the middle of the night. I have been cutting up some cheese and crackers around 2am and a glass of milk.
Because I need to sleep on an incline, Chris got the boot out of our bed. :( my mound of pillows started to take over.
Night Sweats...... I have always been hot pregnant but this is something I have never experienced! I’m waking up every 2 hrs to go the bathroom and I’m covered, literally hair wet and all!! Windows are open all night I can't handle blankets while the rest of the house is adding blankets to their beds. So to add to my lack of sleep I get to add this to one of the lovely reasons why it’s so hard to sleep with 2 people inside of me.
BH Contractions.... are starting to pick up more and more they are painless but sure can take my breath away. I start weekly non-stress test next week, the appointments are adding up now. I am having an
u/s every 4 weeks unless something changes, weekly non-stress tests at the hospital, OBGYN appointments, midwife, and the chiropractor. It's a lot of driving as I have not been able to make any of these happen on the same day.
I do want to praise my kids, because they really are doing awesome. Yes we have our bad days but I couldn’t be happier with the way they are helping out and being understanding. I lay in bed at night and my mommy guilt will get me but I truly believe even though they are watching too much TV and don’t have a change of environment much, their character is being built by the sacrifices they are making while I’m not able to do everything I normally do. I can look back at our journey so far and see all of us growing in so many ways and that excites me. I catch myself just looking at the kids and falling in love with them everyday. I would love to find a mothers helper but living out of town makes that difficult. Chris has completely took over shopping and cooking, I knew God had a reason Chris took the culinary arts program. :) I am spoilt! He cooks way better than I ever could.
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Look at that sweet face. |
praying for you all! Pat
Praying for you all
love Pat H
So wonderful Miranda to hear your journey. Praying for all of you. Way to go Chris!
What!! You have names! Did you discuss this with me first? Oh and do let me know if there is a way I can help...
Thinking of you. Your sharing touched me deeply. God is good!
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