Aside from our basics we started to go a little purler bead crazy. We recently watch Despicable Me and Pintrest has some great idea's. One day they spent 4 hours! creating things from the oldest to the youngest.
I will admit it's been difficult finding learning opportunity's when our days are staying pretty routine.
I was trying to go into our weekly ladies bible study and dropping my older three off at the public pool with a couple other home schooled kids to make sure they are getting out.
We had a surprise Thanksgiving Day when the RCMP showed up at my moms door. I guess my brother was on a surveillance video walking through around the same time a store was robbed. It wasn't him but the officer had to question him. The officer was very friendly and asked Chris to bring all the kids out to see his truck. I think he was bored he stayed for 45 mins talking to Chris about family size and how to afford "so many". In the end it was a neat way for Chris to share about our family. The kids (the younger ones) all got a chance to sit in the drivers seat turn on the sirens etc..
A neighbor had got Rachael a terrarium for her birthday. As soon as she opened it she had to get started. It's like an aquarium, but for plants instead of fish. It is made in just about any glass container. It is planted to look like a miniature garden or forest enclosed in its own little world. own mini-climate. The container has just a small opening or sometimes even a lid to completely enclose the container. That makes a terrarium like a greenhouse. Sunlight enters through the glass and warms the air, soil and plants the same way that sunlight coming through the atmosphere warms Earth’s surface. The glass holds in some of the warmth, just as the earths atmosphere does.
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