Well here we are still very much pregnant and according to obstetrics in B.C now post dates.
Lots of contractions but nothing that amounts to anything, the pressure is beyond intense. Even after seven very full term babies I have never experienced anything like this kind of pressure. My body doesn't feel like my own. Walking to the bathroom amazes me that nothing has fallen out. I suspect we are getting closer with all the pre-labor. I am getting up around 2:00am some nights to have bath and relax, this seems to help a lot. Getting out of the tub well that's probably quite funny if it was video taped. I literally have to climb up my body to get back up to standing.
Chris is awesome though on the really rough nights he will get up out of bed and come sit in the bathroom with me even though he has to be up for work at 6:00am. He will even shave my legs for me!
I am thankful for my birth support. Friends who live 8 hours away come to give me a foot massage. Or friends that have let me just be real when I hit a wall. Friends that last minute will have a coffee with and just let me tell them everything I have told them 4,5,6 times already.
So for now it's a sit and wait game! I feel like a ticking time bomb and
everyone (including many family and friends........ the butcher
........... grocer......the man with the dog......... the postman ha
ha) is waiting in anticipation! and I'm here ready to go.
This pregnancy and birth plan has been an emotional one, and we continue to be in prayer to deliver these two boys naturally with out interventions or complications and so far everyone is on board.
You are constantly in my prayers; and I'm sure gazillions of others' too.
I think the waiter at Kelly O'Bryans is waiting in anticipation too...
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