Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hello Beauty

I get to wake-up to this little beauty every morning. Aren't I blessed?
Really how could anyone wake up grumpy when you have sweet baby breath on you?
All my babies have co-slept until around 2 1/2 yrs, and for us it's such a precious memory.
In fact we still have a few that crawl in to our bed at night. I woke up this morning with Natalie
tucked in bedside me. Today I was going through pictures and I was reminded of just how fast
our time mothering littles goes, and to just enjoy today.


Anonymous said...


Jody Spark said...

My sentiment exactly, Miranda.

Some of my most treasured memories as a mother are feeling warm little bodies next to me as I sleep. But even more so, my favourite part of the day is praying with my children, then singing hymns and lullabies to them as they fall asleep. They love, as I do, that still, tender time at the end of the day to reflect, repent and reconnect before sleep. No matter what happened in the day -- good or bad -- it is a special time of healing. I am always willing to stroke their hair and softly hum Amazing Grace until they drift off. One day, they won't need me to be there as they fall asleep anymore and I will miss these cherished times.