Saturday, July 12, 2008

Something you may not have known about me

I don't normally share this because I don't find I am in a position that I have needed to very often. Something you may not of known about me is I don't pray out loud. Shocked?
I never have. Well maybe not never there have been a *few* and I mean a few times when the Holy Spirit has literally push the words out of my mouth. I have been in a handful of awkward settings where I have been asked to pray and I flat out say "no thanks, Chris will though" LOL
It's not a conviction I have, it's just who I am. People have tried to convince of another way, but that just upsets me. I don't feel I have to fit into a christian mold of how to pray.
So there you have it something you may or may not have known;)


Pieternella said...

I'm the same way, I don't like to pray outloud. I much prefer to pray in a 'closet' lol, not literally, but on my own.

Yet, today I was thinking about how it says where two or three are gathered their prayers are heard (can't remember the exact wording) and I got thinking about how I don't like to pray out loud and my dh doesn't really like to pray out loud either, so if we pray as a family without praying out loud, will our prayers be as strong? So far, dh does pray out loud, but I know he doesn't always feel like it. So would our prayers, said softly amongst ourselves, while together, holding hands etc., be as strong as him praying out loud and us all in agreement?

Something to think about. Let me know what you think about that.

Anonymous said...

I am the kind of girl that likes to go "into the closet" or "under the fig tree" to pray. It's between me and God.
So I can understand.