Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pouring Out

Fall has come! It has been beautiful, we have spent a few afternoons playing in the park. I love the crisp fall air, it makes me feel totally fresh and renewed.

I sat at the park picnic table the other day
playing patty-cake with my little one and my heart was bursting with joy. I was scanning the play ground watching the other children with their bright red cheeks and there runny nose from the cool air and I thought I seriously have the best life.

I have been thinking about how Jesus calls us to be servants. He says the greatest are the stooped. The humble are exalted. Jesus poured his life into 12 men day and night. And through the power of the Holy Spirit those men turned the world upside down for Christ. I want that to be my testimony. I want to pour my life into theirs. I want to make it my ambition to love them well, to show them Jesus EVERYDAY. I want them to one day leave my little school of discipleship and go be world changers.

But even before the children I have completely devote myself to my husband. Who truly does love me the way Christ loves the church. God has blessed me with a wonderful man who makes my job alot easier. I love him selfishly the same way I want to be loved.

Mama's for those who are reading take time to cuddle your babies, even the big ones. Let the mess sit for a while. When your tucking your toddler into bed for a nap crawl in with him and watch him fall asleep. I promise your heart will be full. When your driving in the van sing with them. Today I took my 3year olds' cool little hand and we walked through the yard. It was so wonderful to hear the excitement in his voice to show me what he has built.
The winds have calmed down now. We were having gusts up to 80klms/hr I have a pleasant cool breeze blowing through my window. I think I am going to curl up with my book now and then go to sleep. We have a full day tomorrow which I am very much looking forward to


Jen said...

Thank you for that reminder. Its so easy to get caught up in what "needs" to be done, when all that stuff can be distractions from your husband and children.

Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Bundled up this morning... The first of winter/fall has come. No turning color of leaves yet but we are surrounded by evergreens. lol.

Emma and I have been doing more cuddling (as much as one really big woman can!) and I also have been reading to her. These times are so precious for us and a good reminder to me on the more important "Daily" things.

Lovely post Alysia! Miss ya!