Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winsome Wednesday

It was a frosty cool day today. I heard my two older boys bundling up this morning in the wee hours as they headed out for papers. When they got home they both crawled back under the covers to warm up. I put on the kettle for some hot tea and a big pot of oatmeal for breakfast.

Wednesdays we like to take it slow and enjoy the gift of a day together. We work really hard Monday and Tuesday so it's nice to relax midweek slow things down. We read more stories curled up on the sofa together the younger ones color a little longer.

I read a quote earlier this week about serving my family and I was very convicted it brought me to tears at the selfishness that is in my heart. Even when all seems so "innocent" I thank the Lord He has so kindly has shown me my sin.

The quote was by Martha Peace:

"I have heard of women who pride themselves on being "night people". That means they have trouble getting up in the mornings because they come alive at night. They may stay up till all hours reading, watching television, or pursuing some sort of interest. They next morning they are too tired to get up and care for their family... these women are not "night people". They are lazy and selfish. Who would not rather stay up late to do whatever they please and sleep late the next day? Once a young wife begins getting up earlier than her children and husband, she will cease to be a "night person". She will be tired and go to bed at a reasonable hour so she will be there to serve her family the next morning."

This week I had made a point of going to bed earlier and setting my alarm to be up before my children. What great week it has been so far. I loved feeling awake for them when they wander out of there beds. Being greeted with a cheerful mama who is ready for the day.

Today after we were done our studies Presley and I snuggled on the sofa under a big ol' blanket and had a bit of a nap. He is such a sweet little man who is growing up way to fast for me. I enjoy the times when he slows down so I can hold him.

His name means " bringer of peace" and that is just what he is to me. He brings peace to my soul. When I get those quiet moments holding him my heart just drips with love.


Unknown said...

Oh... OUCH.

I do know that getting up early helps me... but telling me I'm selfish for staying up late -- OK -- you are right. I just needed reminding.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Well, the past couple days I've been up at 4am... Is taht early enough. ROFLOL. Just teasing.

Its always been a dream of mine to be up before the crack of dawn, read the Word of God and go for a jog. I've managed to do it for a few days, being in bed by 9pm and up by 5:30 but then I crash big time. Its so frusterating. I don't know why. I don't know how but my body just refuses to change. I thought I could change it. I started slowly, instead of 6:30, 6:15, ok my body is ok with 6:15. Lets do 6am now. ok what about 5:45? oooh pushing it. 5:30? Shut down. AAAAAAAAARG!

I've researched it and for some, their body just doesn't function. I dont know why. My mum is the same way. For years she would push herself to be up early, to make us breakfast, to be up before my dad left (4:30-5 am)for work but after a while Dad said, forget it, your not doing well. We did manage to live comfortably but I remember thinking how I would never do taht. I would up before the crack of dawn!

HA! God has humbled me.

Why am I writting all this? I am not sure. Maybe to vent my own fruserations. But I am SOOO SOOO glad for those that can. And maybe in a few years, self disclipline will have prevailed and I wont have to say goodbye to a dream. :)

Sweet photo's btw.