Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In the wee hours

If we would have a true home, we must guard well our thoughts and actions. A single bitter word may disquiet the home for a whole day; but, like unexpected flowers which spring up along our path full of freshness, fragrance and beauty, so do kind words and gentle acts and sweet disposition make glad the home where peace and blessing dwell. No matter how humble the abode, if it be thus garnished with grace and sweetened by kindness and smiles, the heart will turn lovingly towards it from all the tumults of the world, and home, " be it ever so humble," will be the dearest spot under the sun.
I love the stillness snow brings. It's so white and beautiful out the windows I can't help but stare. I'll be truly sad to see the snow melt!

During each of my pregnancies I tend to not sleep well. It is almost 12:00 am and I am tired but can not seem to fall asleep. The Lord is ever so gracious to me that even though I get few hours in the night I wake up refreshed. We had a wonderful evening meal together and my amazing little men did all the clean up. I must say the kitchen was probably cleaner than I leave it after a meal.
While the boys worked away on that, Chris and I bathed the little ones and did some memory scripture verses with them. Once everyone was tucked into there beds I lit some candles and crawled into bed myself to give my youngest little treasure a snuggle. I am so abundantly blessed to watch her drift off to sleep in my arms. Gosh I just glanced at the clock.....almost 1:00am ~good night~


Chas said...

Bless your heart... I hope you get some rest. But your heart seems to be in the right frame of mind, being thankful for your blessings.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog !!! Beautiful pictures and beautiful words (well except for those ones about being sad to see the snow leave),

Bloggy Mama said...

Also wishing you rest. Enjoy your every blessing, as I know you do!

Jen said...

You have a wonderful way with words! I love reading your blog!
