Sunday, March 1, 2009


Rachael relaxing with Daddy on Sunday Afternoon.
The girls dresser that got re-painted and some new handles.

Baby Legs

One who truly loves considers how to bless the beloved rather than looking for how the beloved can bless them. Selfish human nature wants to receive before it gives, or it gives with a selfish view to what blessing it may receive in return. How corrupt our sinful nature is with selfishness, even in the hidden parts of our being.The Lord Jesus loves with no strings attached. He loves untainted by selfishness. He wholeheartedly wants the best for you, and He delights to bless you.Significant progress in your relationship with Him occurs when you become primarily concerned about blessing him. When your desire is ruled by a longing to know His heart, and what you can do for Him rather than what He can do for you, you then enter into a new dimension of relationship. Although it is not wrong to ask your gracious Lord for what you need, if you love Him, you will want to know His heart and how you can bless Him. In the Gospel accounts very few came to give to the Lord Jesus without asking for anything in return. These seemed to touch His heart in a special way. And you can also.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, what sweet pictures!! :)