Thursday, July 30, 2009

So are you guys going to have more?

Ok this may come across as a bit of a “rant” but I am explaining what we believe for us. I just want to be clear that I DO NOT think this is a sin issue for everyone but IS for us.

Children flow out of marriage!!!

I have heard it explained like this.... when we plant seeds in a garden and we end up with fruit and veggies nobody blinks an eye nobody is shocked by this.
When a couple at church announces they are expecting number 4,5,6 the most common response is shock, disgust mouths hang open and question the couple “don’t you know what causes that?”
But what shocks me is when the bible says “become one” and a baby comes the ones who let this happen more than the “approved” number are now freaks or get reminded that God gave us brains to use.

Sometimes it’s hard to trust God in this area, and it’s really hard when so often it seems that people think God needs “help”. God does not want us to look at what everyone else is doing or even what everyone thinks is acceptable to God, he wants us to look at scripture.
Personally I believe we were created to have large families or why would God causes us to ovulate for years and years? I often think of Susanna Wesley she has always amazed me. Her husband I guess would be thought of as a “jerk” he was never home to help she had a baby almost every year on bed rest and very sick. She lost babies to illness and in house fires. I wonder if she had been given a chance to use birth control if she would have. But she would not have had Charles or John Wesley who were her younger ones and even Susanna herself was baby number 24. I think so often we put God in a box of what we think may be right when really God’s way are not our own. He is much bigger than our simple way of thinking. He does NOT need our help or our small minded thoughts of common sense. Think of a couple stories from the bible.... Does common sense tell us to run through the street naked? Come on David surely the Lord wouldn’t tell you to do that, THAT is not *modest*!!! Or Abraham going to sacrifice his son, is that “common sense”?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.


Kristi said...

Great post Miranda! (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

I say have more and more and more. You two create beautiful babies and they are so blessed to have been given you as parents. Your choices are between you, Chris and one else.

Pietra said...

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

So true!
Our own understanding is so full of opinions, and we all know EVERYONE has an opinion. :p

Leaning on God's word is much wiser. :)

~Pam~ said...

Hi Miranda!
Great post sweetie!
Hugs and blessings to you

Bloggy Mama said...

Hugs, Miranda. I hear a lot of "you're crazy" and I'm only on number three. Bless your family.

Rebecca said...

true true true. I understand that everyone feels differently towards this issue, however for someone to look at me with such disgust and disdain on their face, like we are a detriment to society, I find that hard to swallow.