Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Gift of the Spirit.

I can't believe a whole week has went by since I last wrote. Goodness it's been blessedly full-to-overflowing days. The two littlest one have not been their joyful selves.
But rather cranky and needing alot of cuddles. I was starting to wonder if a sickness was going to go threw the house but all is well today. While the little ones are in need of a mama the older ones are in need of me as well. I have been so very blessed with some very strong Christian women in my life, a very close friend and I have been discussing the gifts of the spirit. Our conversation challenged me deeply and reminded me that the Holy Spirit dwells within us.

During a moment of a crying baby in the wrap and an upset toddler at my feet, I stood at my kitchen sink and being to pray in my prayer language. I have not done this in so long, in that moment I needed the Holy Spirit to come and wash over me to refresh me.

As I prayed I could feel the Holy Spirit consume me and every hair on my arms raise. Oh how I long for THIS fellowship. It was the sweetest time and a priceless gift from my Lord.


Bloggy Mama said...


Shelly said...

What an absolutely beautiful picture of Jude ...

Jody Spark said...

Do you have a scripture reference to support the concept of a "prayer language?"

Anonymous said...

This is a great link, I had also sent it to another friend and it is full of scriputure.

Anonymous said...

that pic of Jude all wrapped in the blanket is so fitting for how the Holy Spirit "wrapped you" as you prayed. Thanks for sharing such a precious moment!