Saturday, October 3, 2009


This sweet baby is Rachael Joy

I often get asked how I stay so relaxed, alot of times I laugh at the comment cause I never know how to answer such things.
I'm not a yeller and generally I go with the flow of things. But I really got thinking about it one day as I was driving alone "I wonder why I can stay so relaxed?"
One word popped into my head *Oxytocin*
For 10 and a half years I have had a steady flow of oxytoicn flowing through my body. Every time I sit down to nurse a baby and my milk lets down you almost going into a coma like state and your whole body relaxes. So if you think about 6 babies nursing that's alot of oxytocin. I think it molded my personality.

1 comment:

Bloggy Mama said...

Great thing to remember :)
I love the photo.