Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Snuggled in,

What wonderful day today has been, the two babies woke up happy and healthy which was such a huge blessing. We were able to go on with our normal routines.
I was very please with the amount of schooling we did today, I started to write it all down because I think we naturally are covering all areas.
Our Bible time was especially good. We were discussing about how in Israel their are pillars that represent the 12 tribes and they are there to remind people of what God did. And how we are to be like a pillar of the 12 tribes and people should look at us and be reminded of what God has done. Also I explained to them how these pillars are at the city gates the busiest place they were not hidden away. And we too should not isolate and hide but we should be at the city gate sharing our lives with others, so that the world may see the Lord working in our lives.
We talked a little bit more about what happened in the gates of a city and how often the King would come their to talk and deal with his people.

Later in the day Zachary and I made fresh buns for dinner and the other children played outside. It was a busy, full day. The house is still and quiet, now. All the children are snugged in bed, sound asleep. I think Im going to go curl up and read for a bit before I fall asleep.

1 comment:

Bloggy Mama said...

Whew, I have missed a lot. So glad that the family is on the mend.
Sending blessings your way.