Monday, August 23, 2010


We had a lovey day, one of those days when you really are praising God for your life.
The morning started out with school work for everyone. The kids are whipping through their math. I am really proud of their diligence. After I got the two babies down for naps I did some house work while the big kids were playing a money game with the littler two.
I chatted on the phone with a really good friend for over an hour while they played. The Lord always know what I need when. I was really encouraged in my walk. So refreshing to have Godly friendships.

It wasn't until my kiddies were all up and I was fixing dinner and the house was bursting with excitement, big kids running in and out that I really started to think about my life.
I really don't deserve any of this. I was thinking of my life before Christ and the road I was on and I can't help but cry. It's truly is beautiful the work He has done. Beauty from ashes.
My life was transformed for His Glory.

Here is what just floors me... this love is not based on what I have done, or how good I am clinging to Him, or on my goodness. But completely on what God my Father is and has done through Jesus Christ. I cannot add anything to that by my own strength and effort and goodness or morality. Nor can I subtract it by my failure.
That is TRUE freedom in Christ!

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