Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Modest in our Speech?!

So there is this"game" going around on Facebook this is the email I got.

Remember the game last year about what color bra you were wearing at the moment? The purpose was to increase awareness of October Breast Cancer Awareness month. It was a tremendous success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and it made it to the news. This year's game has to do with your handbag/purse, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "I like it on the couch", "I like it on the kitchen counter", "I like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. Just put your answer as your status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your FB female friends to their inbox. The bra game made it to the news. Let's see how powerful we women really are!!! REMEMBER - DO NOT PUT YOUR ANSWER AS A REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE- PUT IT IN YOUR STATUS!!! PASS THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!

This left me thinking about the verse

1 Timothy 2: 9, 10, “likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.”

I want to reply to everyone posting this ladies, men are vision driven. We have a responsibility to help our brothers in Christ to live a holy life. We must not cause them to stumble by our words. We tend to only think of modesty in terms of clothing. But every time I see one of these status posted " I like it on the floor" I get a picture in my head. No I'm not a pervert!! But I will guarantee you if I a female get a mental picture I promise you the men on our friends list are too. And I for one do not want my Pastor or friends husband thinking of me in this way!!

I know this sounds harsh but someones got to say it. What kind of example is this to the younger women on your FB. I am seeing teens post this and Christian homeschool boys wondering if that's really what they mean. This isn't rocket science we are causing these men to sin. They are sinning because of you. You are partakers in their sin because you are setting them up for it. God will hold you responsible.

~sigh~ Modesty has fallen out of style because the church has married the world.