Friday, December 10, 2010


Normally this time of year if full of stress and chaos, with shopping and visiting and everything that comes up in between.
I feel an over abundance of peace this December and when I think of the New Year coming the words peace, comfort, joy, and love go though my head. I'm sitting in my big chair with a signal candle flickering on the table. All the lights are out but my Christmas tree. I have a hot cup of tazo chai tea beside me. ~Sounds great hey?~ Well I left out that there are 6 children loudly playing at my feet with Christmas music in the back ground. :)
Peace doesn't mean quiet! nor does it mean that everything will be running smooth.
Peace is what is in your heart, two days ago one of my children flushed a handful of baby wipes. If you have been a mommy for any amount of time you know what this means!

20+ towels and a couple blankets later to stop the flowing toilet that wasn't flushed just once and a call to my husband to come home quickly to help me out, 4 loads of laundry I was pretty proud of of myself I kept my cool minus the few yelps for "get more towels"!
Im sure we could avoid these things from happening by having a perfect house but all you would gain is a perfect house. Perfect homes don't change the world and they don't raise godly children. A houseful of children means work and more work but it also means joy, blessing, wealth, and growth in your heart. So as I sit here thinking about things I'm reminded that I can choose to live by my feelings or I can choose to live by Christ who IS in me. I am so thankful today His peace dwels in my heart.

A Wonderful Thing

Being a mother is a wonderful thing,

My bedside alarm, it nevver need ring,
I'm awakened each day with bright cheerful faces,

And soon 'round the table they've all taken places.
Our meal is seasoned with plenty of chatter,

The fruit and the muffins fly from the platter,

There are stories to share and a Bible verse too,
We reverently pray -it's not always a zoo!
The day is so full of a number of things;

First chores, then schoolwork, then song practicings,
ooking and cleaning and book-reading too,

A mom of wee children has plenty to do!
I've heard busy times end as quick as they start,

So I'll treasure these day, store them up in my heart,

Small children grow up-the time goes fast,

The business of mothering soon will be past.
Be cheerful and thankful each day that you've got,

Greater joy anywhere, there surely is not!

As you work through your duties may God hear you sing
'Cause being a mother is a wonderful thing!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a lovely post, Miranda.


Shelly Gauvreau said...

Very well put, as always. This year for Christmas I took all the money I had put aside for gifts and bought grocery cards for some needy families. That has put tremendoud peace in my heart and soul.