Sunday, February 20, 2011

HIS Number

His Number

While waiting as a mother-to-be,I heard God firmly speak to me.

To cast aside the worlds’ device andBecome a living sacrifice.

Namely, that my womb should bear

The ones He planned to cradle there

And that no humanistic creed

Should limit my fertility.

Oh, how I wrestled with that word –So unusual, so absurd!

Could God?

Would God take control?

And what would His requirement hold.

After much debate and doubtI threw my own decisions out;

If God can measure earth and sea,

Can He not chart a family?

And if He names and numbers stars,

Then in His book is each of ours.

We therefore gave Him the right

To build the house and take the charge.

A mother now with 'seven' on hand

By faith and grace I have no plan,

But cast aside the things that kill

To let his number be fulfilled
-author unknown


kitchenmaid said...

Very appropriate poem for your situation!

Anonymous said...

That is a very powerful poem.