Friday, April 8, 2011

Homeschool Burn Out? Day 3

Today was much better.

Austin got a lesson of English done. He worked on his bible memory chapter. Him and I watched our teaching DVD on The Rabbi. Very interesting it was explaining what the tassels on their garments ment and how each one stood for the 5 books of the Torah and the 300 and something laws.

Zachary did some copy work and did 5 pages in his ACE English PACE.

Natalie ( who has finish grade 3) Made a card for a friend and did some chores.

Presley ( who is also done grade 1) drew another picture for a friend to be mailed away.

Mom read to Rachael and Jude Seven Silly Eaters and God's little Jewels.

Then for the afternoon we joined our local homeschool group for a game of ball hockey for the big kids and the little ones played at the playground for a couple hours.

1 comment:

JustMe said...

I love that you incorporate other religious ideas when teaching your children. Of course God is fore most but what a wonderful way to teach tolerance, acceptance and respect for others who don't believe as we do.