Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Homeschool Burn Out? Day 5?

So am I losing readers? am I boring everyone to tears? I may only chart this for 7 days, it's getting close to the end of the year anyways. Today: Austin read Psalm 113 to all of us . I pointed out verse 9 to them "He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!" And shared with them how much I love how I get to spend my days. I read to them all 2 chapters out of Prudence with the Millars. A story on jokes that are not funny but could cause harm, and one on table manners. We then chatted about things we all need to work one. Read Sir Circumference and the Isle of Immeter (Math Adventures) to the younger crowd. Chris read Seven Silly Eaters to Jude and Rachael (again) Austin did a lesson of English Zach did 2 lessons of math Natalie did a multiplication sheet. Presley did 5 pages in Word Building We cut out flowers and each wrote lists of things we are thankful for. Natalie is turning out to be just like her mom. One of her flowers says "Hannah's chubby legs" Today we made a rain gauge for Science and read a little bit on precipitation and the different kinds. On another note we took Jude to the doctor today because he complains his legs hurt ALL the time. After trying a bunch of different things I took him in. Our doctor is concerned about the development of the bones in his legs due to how much Prednisone he has had. In a 12 month period he was given it 10 times due to the chronic croup. He ended up with a growth in his mouth because of it. So now I'm waiting to for an appointment with a ped. If you think of him keep him in prayer, as his nights are often long and painful as our are too since we are up rubbing little legs.


Jen said...

Hope little Jude is feeling better soon. We had to change some medication our eldest son was on for asthma, the side effects where worse than the asthma!

JustMe said...

Hey Miranda ... have you tried Traumeel cream for Jude?? Its got a base of arnica which is an anti-inflammatory.

You guys are doing great on the homeschooling ....

kitchenmaid said...

I'm still here reading! You most certainly have a very eclectic school and that's wonderful. No two days are alike!! Keep up the good work.

Anne Geddert said...

I'm reading! We have been feeling some burn-out here as well. I enjoy hearing about what others do during their day. I started keeping a journal just last week to keep track of what Lanny does every day and including everything big and little to see what our days are truly like. It is enlightening! And encouraging.