Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Potty Training With Love

We jumped into potty training this week. I enjoy the process of potty training, I love seeing them get so excited over the little dribble in the potty because it earns yet ONE more gummy bear! Jude has done really well yesterday we had only 2 accidents and by the end of the day he was going on his own and then taking my hand to show me so he could get his candy. Also having five older siblings you get quite the cheering comitee which makes doing it again so much fun.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

From One Generation to Another

This is my Grandma and my Gr. Grandma...
In 1961 the both had there babies the same day. This was my Grandma's 3rd and my Gr. Grandma's 10Th. I remember as a little girl this photo was in a frame in my Grandma's bedroom. I was always so fascinated by my Gr. Grandma..."Wow 10 children" I would think to myself. I never did get to meet her. So I would ask my Grandma so many questions. I knew from a little girl I wanted lots of children. I remember my Grandma telling me stories of having coffee with her mom with their babies on there laps. My Grandma used to say mothering came a little easier for her having her mother's wisdom at hand and her walking the same road at the same time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The First 40 Days.... a Sacred Time

She's 12 days old. She is this tiny ball of baby perfection, at night when all our other children are sleeping we just marvel at this gift. Chris took the first week after her birth off and I stayed in my bed the whole time. It was WONDERFUL. I tore a ligament in my ribs during my labor which left me pretty sore. So staying in bed was great, it hurt to sit for too long the way my ribs would sit so I layed down alot. When he went back to work last week I spent many hours on my couch nursing my baby. Napping when my littles did and just really tried to take it easy.

As of yesterday I was feeling pretty much back to my normal self, I ventured out to Walmart later in the evening and by the time I got home my body was screaming at me that, that was too much! Walmart is a big store!

I got thinking today about how in our culture it's like a badge of honor for mothers to "bounce back" as fast as they can. I think we miss out on such a scared time with our newborns. These first 6 weeks are so important yet our culture doesn't allow this time. I wonder if new mothers would suffer less depression if this time was nurtured and protected. Mothering young children is very very very hard work. Mothering a newborn baby is all-consuming, and mothers and young babies need and deserve more support. For the first time ever I received the kind of support I am meaning. Although it was VERY VERY hard to accept and I didn't know what to do with myself it was such a blessing. One of my most dearest friends came over and cleaned my house. She did laundry, pulled out my fridge and stove, washed floors, walls and the bathroom. She brought me lunch and helped take care of my children.
Our church family also helped out and for the first 10 days someone brought our family dinner.
These little things are HUGE to a new mom. I will forever be grateful!

I think we has women need to encourage new moms to sit, love and nurture that new baby. Shouldn't the birth of a baby be a time of wonder and enjoyment and yes, a slower pace?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

HIS Number

His Number

While waiting as a mother-to-be,I heard God firmly speak to me.

To cast aside the worlds’ device andBecome a living sacrifice.

Namely, that my womb should bear

The ones He planned to cradle there

And that no humanistic creed

Should limit my fertility.

Oh, how I wrestled with that word –So unusual, so absurd!

Could God?

Would God take control?

And what would His requirement hold.

After much debate and doubtI threw my own decisions out;

If God can measure earth and sea,

Can He not chart a family?

And if He names and numbers stars,

Then in His book is each of ours.

We therefore gave Him the right

To build the house and take the charge.

A mother now with 'seven' on hand

By faith and grace I have no plan,

But cast aside the things that kill

To let his number be fulfilled
-author unknown

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


She's here!!!! 9 days overdue this little muffin. She sure didn't want to break tradition and come a little earlier. My birth story is kinda short like the labor was. Although I would explain it as fast and furious. Monday Feb 7Th was a looooong day I felt like I was counting the hours until Chris got home, I was quite grumpy and just couldn't shake it. When the phone would ring I would look at the caller id and ignore it as if it had a face book "ignore"button.
*****sorry if any of you called that day LOL******

That night evening I had invited my mom over to go for a walk with me, I was having some stronger than normal braxton hicks so I thought maybe a walk would get things going. Little did I know it was FREEZING outside and we made it to the end of the drive way only to decide it was way to cold. lol
Around 11:00 I decide to just go to bed, still not in the best mood lights out.
Then at 2:00am the party started I woke up with strong contractions about 2-3 mins apart. I woke Chris up thinking it may be real. We timed them and walked circles around the living room as him and my mom were trying to convince me it was time to call my midwife. A sure sign for Chris I'm in labor is I keep asking " do you think their real?"
At 3:40 my midwife arrives, I had waited to get into the pool until she got here cause I wanted to know how far dilated I was. I was pretty disappoint when she said 5? almost a 6...
I thought to myself that these were hurting alot to have so much longer to go. ~sigh~
Climbed into the pool and it was if some one said to my uterus "on your mark get set go!" all of a sudden there was no break in between and they were over lapping.
I looked at my midwife and said " I'm not getting a break" she says " things are changing fast" Then I felt a pop and my water had broke. My body just started to push with no thought from me. I felt like my brain couldn't catch up to what was happening. With one push her head was out, waited for the next contraction and there she was!!! 4:20am I pulled her up out of the water repeating over and over "hi baby - hi baby" took me a few mins to even check if I had a boy or girl. She was just perfect. All the children were in the living room by this point very happy to meet their new little sister.
Hannah and I stayed in the pool for a while until I was read for the cord to be cut and deliver the placenta. I found it a little challenging to push again it was almost as if my body forgot how to push. Once that was all done I got into some dry clothes and joined everyone in the living room where Hannah and I started our nursing relationship. :) Which so far she seems to be very much enjoying.

Hannah Jubilee Brown (Graceful Celebration) 7lbs 14oz 19inches

I just stare at her all day, such a gift!