Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tea Party Day

“What a help it is to live amongst and be intimate with keen Christians. How much we owe in our own lives to contact with them!” ~Evelyn Underhill
Sharing tea with children is just one more tangible way of offering the gift of our time and our attention, sharing ourselves and passing on what we've learned. -Emile Barnes, If Teacups Could Talk

This morning I woke up and decided we were going to have a spring party. Today we are just going to enjoy each other. We worked away together everyone doing something. The older ones working together to bake a cake. Littles with sticky grubby hands licking what they could get from the batter covered bowls and spoons.

Natalie set the table with flowers and tea cups and her own creative touches.

It's been heavy on my heart to make sure these seven children knew with out a doubt that they are one of the most important relationships aside from Jesus and Chris in my life. That 100% percent they are gifts that I 100% don't deserve.
The truth is I'm broken... I have a broken heart. Being here in this place rips your eyes wide open. Open to everything - everything you have- the amazing wonder of the Grace of Jesus poured out in your life. And all you see in this sinful heart - this heart that all you can offer is filthy rags.
There laughter brings a balm to my soul - Natalie's eye's light up like a fire with gasoline pored on as she tells her story with much animation. Choking on her tea as her laughter spills out her belly. Soon we all are laughing as not one of us can understand a word she is saying.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Count them all....

13. squishy baby chub

14. 12 year old hugs from a boy taller than I

15. craft mess on the floor-it shows time spent together

16. the raw gut wrenching pain that death brings- for it's only there we really see God's Grace

17. long hugs after a hard day

18. tea with friends who love you

19. neighbors that would drop anything for you

20. evening mommy walks

21. hot baths

22. grubby little hands from an afternoon outside

Sunday, March 27, 2011

He Provides

One time when Natalie was four years old she was really in need of new socks. As I was tucking her in she was telling me what colors she wanted. While we were praying together she prayed that God would give baby Rachael new socks too. I didn't think much of it other than it was cute she wanted the baby to be like her. She prayed this for about 2 weeks every night. Well one morning I went to get the mail and I had gotten a package from an online friend. She had a baby girl the day after I had Rachael. Inside there was a handmade dress and some baby socks.... The note said " I know socks is a funny thing to send but Emma ended up with a bunch I hope you can use them" LOL Thank you Jesus! He made himself real and answered the child like prayers of a 4 year old. I could tell you of another time back when we only had four little ones Chris was cooking for a local restaurant and we were just making it and all the kids really needed winter boots. I knew there was no room in our budget so all I could do was pray. I ask Jesus to make a way even when it seemed there was none. A few days later we went to my inlaws for dinner and someone had dropped off winter boots for the team going down to Guatemala. Well there's no need for winter boots there so my mother in law told me to take a look and see if I wanted them. Let me tell you I don't cry at much and this broke me. There was 3 boy one and 1 girl in their exact sizes. Or I could tell you of a time when we were first married and looking for work and running out of food. Yet to prideful to ask for help and in our church mail box there was a $200 gift card to Safeway. Or times when money just shows up in our mail box. Or the time last year our truck sat in the drive way broke down and we prayed for 3 weeks and after paying all our bill there was $1000 extra!! I have many stories like this, but the most recent one is for a few weeks now I have been looking through kijiji for a headboard for my girls bedroom. I was looking for something decent even if it needed paint that was OK. But nothing was coming up, the other night I was laying in bed and I thought "I'm just going to ask the Lord for one". HE is so faithful and he truly does provide us with gifts. Friday night I get a call asking if we want a queen size bed and headboard and that it's only a year old . All I really needed was the headboard but it was the wrong size. My girls had a double bed. We took it and decided we would bless someone else that we knew of that really was in need of a double bed. It's pretty exciting to see how He provides all our wants and needs. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Count them all....

1. warm little bodies snuggled in my bed in the morning
2. watching littles play when they don't know I'm watching
3. baby's breath
4. clean sheets
5. exquisitely, uniquely beautiful snowflakes. Intricately designed by a creator
6. emails from my husband that read "i love you"
7. laughter coming from the backyard
8. a meal shared
9. a late night shower
10. heating bills because it means we are warm
11. 3 little kittens born in the night
12. a healthy winter, not one cold or flu in a family of 9!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


The greatest temptation of my time is my impatience, but more so it is my refusal to suffer?

Almost midnight... ~sigh~ the house is pitch black I forgot to shut my bedroom curtains again the moon light is shining right into my room. My sweet little Hannah is sound asleep beside me. I can hear the breaths of Chris deep and rest full. And me I sit here in the dark with tears streaming down my cheeks. Three night in a row this has happened, and it doesn't stop. I pull my baby in close pushing my nose on her soft little head drinking in her newborn smell and the tears become heavy sobs, you know the kind that come from deep down and your whole body physical hurts? I wake in the morning with swollen eye lids. I have never been moved so deeply into prayer.

This prayer feels different, I don't think I could put it into words. My bedroom fills with this thickness of the Holy Spirit I can feel it. ~the tears keep coming~ Time it's going so fast,

I blink and we are celebrating another child's birthday. Did I make sure that he/she knew every signal day what a gift he/she is to me. How many times have I been busy doing "my thing" and I didn't even hear what was said?

How many times has my husband wrapped his arms around me while I'm fixing dinner and I brushed him off because I'm in a hurry to get things on the table?

It's going too fast and yet I can't seem to slow it down. There is no way in the world to get everything I need to done in the day. I become upset when things demand my time... help me Jesus...- be present- be here... when my head my thoughts rob me of my time. When my sin continues to show up again and again. Change me Lord!

Sleepy feet find there way through the dark into my bed. Natalie comes in "can I sleep with you?" it's these moments~ these moments that make my heart race. One day she won't stumble into my room in the middle of the night.
Or have tiny babies curled around my waist nursing in the wee hours.
The sobs continue to grow into the night as I listen in the stillness to the gulps as my baby drinks in love. ~time ~ it brings grace. I see as I get farther and farther along in this journey of motherhood ~grace~

Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ…

~Jude 1:21

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear Austin

Oh my how the years have zipped by, my first born baby is becoming a young man right before our very eyes. It's quite an amazing thing to watch your child transform right before you and to see fruit starting to bud in his life.
I love that I can play the last 12 years like and old film strip remembering each year as you grew.
Your first year you were such a sweet sweet baby, I remember being teased by family members because I would never leave you and was so very protective.
From about age one to four you were very attached to us. We couldn't leave you anywhere-not that we wanted to anyways. Alot of times even to go to the next room you were soon behind us.
As I look back at age 5-6-7 you seemed so old like this wise little man. We went through some hard times. With a suicide in the family but you grew so much during that time and really learned what it meant to trust in our Heavenly Father. I look back and I'm kinda "Aw struck". You have always been such a great helper, sometimes when you think no one is listening to you talk to the littler children I melt into mommy bliss. Your sweetness to them is beautiful. Your so much like your dad like that. Quick to help a little one get something or chasing one of them as the house fills with excited screams of laughter. I defiantly see the Lord has blessed you with wisdom. You are such a good example to your younger siblings. I pray this next year you will continue to grow in your love for Him. And that you will dig deep - deep calls out too deep remember that ;).
Austin you truly are a gift to us.
Thanks be to God for HIS indescribable gifts 2 Corinthians 9:15

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Tomorow is St. Patricks Day, we always do the green food but this year I made a rainbow cake,
the children just love it.
This was what we did last year
Tomorow we will read the true story of St. Patrick's Day, the little ones will color some shamrocks for fun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm stuck in a rut with clothing regarding my oldest daughter. She is almost 8 years old and in need of skirts and dresses. We are not dresses only but I do like to see my little girls in dresses. I have been on the hunt for what seems like months now for a new Sunday outfit for Natalie. All the stores I have looked in seem to have nothing modest. It seems younger and younger clothing is getting more and more trashy. As a christian I do feel strongly about modesty but it's hard to find clothing even as a Christian women. Even when you look around the church ( the church as a whole not "my church per-say" the fashions look just like the world but we do in so many other areas too- I think we don't even realize we have lost our Christian identity. Anyways... I ended up having a good friend sew some up for me because it's just been so frustrating.

My little Hannah is 5 weeks old today! I can't believe it. She is such a sweet baby and I'm soaking up her tiny time as much as I can. She is smiling more and more everyday. We dedicated her to the Lord 2 weeks ago with our church family. Dedications are so special to me-it reminds me of the promises we stand on.
Yesterday my good friend had a baby shower for little Hannah. She was blessed with some very cute outfits, I can't wait to see her in them.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Proud or Humble

I ran into this online it was so eye opening to me I had to re-post.

Proud People:
Focus on the failures of others
A critical spirit , fault finding
Independent, self sufficient spirit
Have to prove they are right
Claims rights; have a demanding spirit
Self protective of their time, rights, and reputation
Desire to be served
Desire to be a success
Desire self advancement
Have a drive to be recognized and appreciated
Wounded when they are overlooked
Think of what they can do for God
Feel confident in how much they know
Self conscious
Keep other’s at arms length
Quick to blame others
Defensive when criticized
Work to protect their own image and reputation
Do not want others to find out about their sin
Have a hard time saying, “I was wrong, please forgive me.”
Tend to deal in generalities when confessing sin
Concerned about the consequences of their sin
Sorry they got caught in their sin
Wait for other to ask forgiveness when there is a misunderstanding
Compare themselves to others and feel worthy of honor
Blind to their true heart condition
Don’t think they have anything to repent of
Don’t think they need revival, but everyone else does.

Humble People:

Sense their spiritual need
Can forgive much
Esteem others better than self
Recognize their need for others
Yield the right to be right, Meek in spirit
Motivated to serve others
Makes others a success
Desires to promote others
Thrilled God would use them at all
Rejoice when others get lifted up
Know they have nothing to offer God
Humbled by how much they have to learn
Not concerned with self at all
Takes the risk to love
Accept personal responsibility when wrong
Open and humble
What matters is what God knows
Willing to be exposed
Quick to seek forgiveness and admit failure
Acknowledges specific sin
Grieved over the root of their sin
Genuinely repentant
Takes initiative to reconcile
Compare themselves to the holiness of God and feel desperate for His mercy
Walk in the light
Have a heart attitude of repentance
Sense their need for a fresh encounter with God

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Homeschooling Scope

This is just an “idea” to reach our families goals for our children –the point being that our goals for our children should be spiritual, not academic. Our assessment of how they’re doing at each age should be spiritual first, as well.� In our homeschool, these are some of the things we work towards and assess. Keep in mind, that each child is different. I have a five year old who is able to demonstrate some things in the 10-year-old category, and an 11-year-old still working on some things in the 5-year-old category. The point is, we keep pressing on, in Jesus’� name, to bring Him glory. Also, please note,� at this point, none of my children have any special needs. My scope and sequence for a special needs child would change, according to God’s leading, just for that child, just like I let God lead in my child training individually for each child I have now. Different issues arise at different times–all my children are different. But my goal for them all is to train them up in the way they should go–to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives!

Age 1

Respond appropriately to the word “No”
Lie still to get dressed or changed
Sit still on a lap when told
Sit in high chair contentedly during meals
Play contentedly where put
Lie down and go to sleep when told
Observe and attempt simple chores (take clothes out of dryer, use a cloth to wipe a floor or dust, pick up toys, etc.)
Age 2

Come instantly when called
Respond instantly to “No” or “Stop” commands
Help with most chores
Sit still and quietly when told
Be helpful, gentle, and loving
Count to 10, identify shapes, colors, letters, and handle a crayon or pencil
Age 3

Have a full understanding of obedience
Begin to learn respectfulness, with joyful obedience
Able to sit for a story or lesson for up to one hour
Follows directions quickly
Flexible in schedule
Helps with all chores
Able to do preschool work easily
Age 4

Assigned chores
Serves others by choice
Takes care of own property and keep personal areas organized
Demonstrates contentedness, self control, and an independent work ethic
Does not pester, whine, interrupt, or talk excessively (is thoughtful in words)
Begins to be aware of example to younger children
Able to help care for younger ones, and play with them selflessly and lovingly
Age 5-6

Fully aware of example to younger siblings
Able to watch little ones responsibly and play well with them for a short period of time in a specific area
Demonstrates respect and honor to adults
Demonstrates gratefulness
Starts learning and desiring to learn who God is
Keeps drawers, shelves, bins, desk, etc. organized at all times
Age 7-8

Grows in understanding of God
Grows in understanding of God’s commandments and how obedience benefits God’s people
Can differentiate between wise vs. foolish behavior
Is self-directed on chores
Demonstrates meekness, and joyfulness
Has learned to love correction
Shows a heart to honor and obey parents and to please God
Boys: able to help work out doors, help fix cars, cut firewood, hunt, fish, etc.
Girls: Able to help bake, can cook a meal independently, can sew, crochet, etc.
Can notice and fulfill needs of family
Understand stewardship and wise handling of money
Age 9-11

Completes most school work and all chores� independently and well, with good attitude
Demonstrates good manners, thoughtfulness of others, and respect to all
Able to serve others outside of home
Can be a wise friend to other children
Able to listen and understand a sermon/teach/lecture and take notes
Can be an example to others outside the home
Able to plan, organize, and manage projects
Familiar with Bible and able to read and study independently
Continues to grow in knowledge of the Holy, able to see Him through His creation, His work, and His Word.
Beginning to have fear of the Lord (beginning of wisdom)
Has a heart to love God and follow His ways
Selflessly serves others at length
Works diligently and quietly for several hours
Assumes some adult responsibilities (cooking a meal, caring for the whole yard, etc.)
Able to be fully responsible for younger siblings for up to a few hours
Able to grow in wisdom through personal study
Has formed a personal habit of prayer and can see how God has answered
Able to examine self
Ready to discuss and understand mature things
Age 12

These following points are from the sermon What to Expect from a 12–Year-Old by Dr. S.M. Davis (www.solvefamilyproblems.com). We have used this “assessment” since the beginning of our homeschool.

Have a mature sense of responsibility, purpose, and� destiny.
Have a keen sense of discernment, especially in relation to the company they keep.
Have a burning hunger to understand truth and wisdom.
Be fully obedient.
Be consistently respectful.
Be fully committed to doing the will of God.
Have an unmistakeable godliness about his life.
Age 16-18

Plan and work a full day effectively
Able to lead and manage others, if necessary
Demonstrates faith
Identity is in Christ
Able to study and learn a whole new area independently, quickly, and effectively
Age 20

These are taken from another excellent sermon by Dr. S.M. Davis titled (can you guess?): What to Expect from a 20-Year-Old

Ready to go to battle
Able to be a productive member of society
Has the character and wisdom needed to build a successful marriage
Lives a sacrificial live instead of a selfish life: willing to die for righteous causes
Able to discern God’s will for himself and be directly accountable to God for his life and decisions