Saturday, January 21, 2012

i'll praise you in this storm

Last night we got a couple inches of snow so after breakfast the kids got all their winter gear on and headed outside. Chris tied a sled onto the quad and pull the kids around the property for a couple hours. I watched from the window while I nursed the baby.
I love Saturdays like this when there is no plan but the day unfolds.
I taught Natalie how to X stitch, she started a table runner. I love when you sit down and take the time to teach little ones how to do a hand craft how quickly they picked it up.
While today was particularly a nice quiet day, our family has had much heart ache around us. This past week we have spent a good part of our days stopping an praying together. Praying when hearts hurt, praying when someone feels unsure, praying when a tear falls.
It's an interesting thing, for those that read my blog you may remember I said for 2012 I was going to dive head first into my prayer life.
We have been praying as a family for the salvation of a few family members.
-my youngest brother (21) had cancer this year. He had is thyroid removed and did radiation over the holiday season.
-my aunt was diagnosed after Christmas with a brain tumor and lung cancer she was given 1 - 5 months to live. This Monday she will be having brain surgery to "buy her a little more time" yet the surgery is 50/50.
-then another blow this Friday, my other brother Frankie (23) was took to the ER with a suspected stroke. After a CT scan and then an MRI he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and M.S. :(
Our hearts are breaking - we are praying and interceding for their salvation.
I share this so you too would remember them and pray that they would turn to the Lord. All three of them are unsaved, I realize that we are not in a battle with flesh and blood, but against demonic powers, wicked spirits in the heavenly sphere, who are trying to influence and control them. Ephesians 6:12. Jesus said in Luke 10:19, “I give you authority and power over all the power of the enemy” and so nothing shall in any way harm us.
Please also if you think of it lift me in prayer too. I find when
things get hard and I retreat to my prayer closet the devil throws fiery darts my way. I struggle to rebuke them
and not believe the lies of the enemy. But I will keep my eyes fixed on my Savior during this storm.
Great is THY faithfulness. Morning by morning, new mercies I see. All I have
needed (peace) Thy hand has provided. Great is they faithfulness, Lord
unto me.Pardon for sin( hurt and unforgivness)and peace that
endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide. Strength for today and
bright hope for tomorrow ( healing and salvation). Blessings all
mine, with 10,000 beside!


kt said...

Oh! Miranda. I am so sorry you have to endure this but you are not alone, your brothers & SISTERS in Christ, pray with you. That IS our best defense & weapon, comfort & peace in time of trouble.

miranda said...

Thanks KT, been praying for you too.

The Joys of Family and Hearth. said...

Sending big hugs your way Miranda!
We know not why such trials, but we can be assured they are from the Lord. And He will sustain you through them, with loving mercies and friends from around the country praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Praying Miranda, for all three, and for you and your family!

I constantly remind myself that God causes ALL things for the good of those who love Him! Your family members may not know Him, but YOU do and YOU love Him and He knows you love them.

Angel said...

praying with you