Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Some Really Great Quotes

I love quotes! This week I have read some really great quotes.
"If you idolize you will demonize" ~ Johnathan Edwards

"The bottom line is that biblical principles for a large family are the same as for a small family, ie learn to let go, stop controlling so much, focus on what is important is important based upon the Holy Spirit's leading and stop so much running around engaging in an endless round of fruitless activity, ect.The entire message is based upon living a principle- based life led by the Spirit therefore "do-able" for any family no matter their size. Your relationship with God and your family will determine your success, nothing else. Get lined up with Him in a surrendered, teachable life and He will begin to impart many of His truths and wisdom into your life.'~ Marilyn Howshall


I had the pleasure of meeting a young mom yesterday that is looking into homeschooling and sharing with her the fruit we have seen come from being home centered. It was good to hear myself talk about how He has worked in our lives on this journey.

My sweet little Hannah continues to try taking more and more steps unassisted. Jude's speech is growing daily! It's amazing. Rachael has decided she would like to start her math curiculum now. Presley is excited that spring has sprung and the yard work will begin. Natalie has been doing a sewing class and just finished her first skirt. Zachary started a cake decorating class on Tuesday nights, and Austin is still on a high from his weekend with Chris in Vancouver.