Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hibernation Craft

This week we started our little unit on bears. We read from a book talking about all the different bears around the world.  We talked about the bears in our area and what to do if one came into the yard.  Driving into town this time of year there is a pretty good chance your going to see one. We talked about how  they are filling up their bellies for winter and how their heart beat slows down when they hibernate and will lose half their body weight.

This is Presleys he had a great idea and added baby eyes to his den.

Rachael wanted a night sky.

From the top to left to right we have Jude's Presley's and Rachaels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these hibernating bear pics (especially the baby eyes). Nice to be able to 'visit' your homeschool days. Warm fuzzies!
