Friday, September 14, 2012


Heat 1-3 gallons of milk to 190 degrees.   Cool to 130 degrees (110-130 is okay.) Add 1 - 1-1/2 c. sugar and 2 Tbsp. flavored gelatin or vanilla per gallon.
Probably best to dissolve your Jell-O in a little water in the microwave before you add it just in case.

While your milk is cooling dissolve some pectin. For 3 gallons of milk I would use a 1/2 of package of pectin. You stir the pectin into 1/2 cup of water, bring to a full boil. Boil for 1 minute. Then stir the pectin into the milk.
When the temp. is 110 degrees for 3 gallons I add 8 oz container of plain yogurt. (I like to use fresh yogurt every time. But you can use your own. It's just that one of the problems with yogurt is getting some strange bacteria started. If a strange bacteria gets in it, you will have slimy yogurt. Still edible but a funny texture.

Now the next trick is to keep it the right temperature and not to leave it too long. If it's too hot your yogurt will separate. If you leave it longer than needed it will taste more sour. I found the temperature made the most difference in it turning out right. If it's too cool it will take so long to set that it will get a sour taste, too hot and it will separate. 6-8 hours will usually do it.
My yogurt came out looking a little like cottage cheese which I am pretty sure has to do with my temp, at one point it got up to 140-ish but it tastes great. The children thought it was so neat, they liked tasting it when it was still warm. Two out of seven kids like it the rest are a little freaked by the texture but like the taste, so into smoothies it will go.


Sonia Spooner said...

Been making yogurt for a couple months now. So yum! I cheat a little cause I have a hot crock pot. I bought the yogormet from Natures Fare. It does a two liter tub at a time.`

Sonia Spooner said...

Been making yogurt for a couple months now. So yum! I cheat a little cause I have a hot crock pot. I bought the yogormet from Natures Fare. It does a two liter tub at a time.`

miranda said...

Sonia does yours come out with a nice smooth texture?
I bought the homestead Blessings DVD on dairy and they did their yogurt a bit different and had a nice smooth texture.