Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Back when we lived in town, I would have the hardest time getting my bread to rise nice in the winter months.  Now having a wood stove it has not been a problem. I have been fighting off a cold for over a week now, so our days have been a little slower.  While the older children worked on their school books my littles joined me at the table as I kneaded my dough.  They enjoy having a little piece of their own to knead and let rise.  Jude got impatient though and ate his raw mini dough ball. Silly boy. J

There is something about having older children and babies.  Hannah adores her big brothers and they adore her. Hannah has been hitching a ride on Austin’s leg lately.  She just loves him, if I am not careful this little button gets away with a lot because nobody likes to see her upset.

1 comment:

Angel said...

I'm having a lot of fun watching my kids interact with Henry too. They are learning such valuable life lessons! Your rolls look gorgeous!