Thursday, October 24, 2013

36 Weeks

Belly button is long gone!
       I have been doing weekly NST and fluid tests at the hospital, I finally had to put my foot down about growth scans as all of a sudden the OBGYN wanted to do them every 2 weeks which was completely unnecessary given the type of twining di/di and my history. My blood pressure has stayed at a very steady normal range I have gained 26lbs now which is amazing for twins with a fundal hight of 43cm. I gained more my last pregnancy.  Last Friday baby A was head down and engaged and B was transverse again.  Baby B position  really doesn't play into anything because as soon as A is delivered often B goes for a swim and gets comfy.
Sleep hasn’t been all that great this week, I’m waking up every 90mins- 2hrs to go to the bathroom or just to turn and try to find a comfortable position. It’s getting harder and harder to walk and do daily tasks.  I have a huge desire to nest but  physically can’t do it!
The skin on my belly is so sore it feels sunburnt and looks it. Old stretch marks are flaming red, clothing hurts when it rubs.
Tuesday I was particularly sore, I was cramping all day! I tried a bath a shower then a nap but when I couldn't sleep though the  contractions I decided to go to town and relax on my mother in laws couch and be closer to the hospital.  After a few hours and nothing was picking up I decided to go home to my own bed.  I continued to cramp through the night, waking up at 4:30am still in pain but then woke up at 6am with nothing.
Pre-labor is pretty typical for me for a couple weeks before hand but with needing to be by the hospital this time I'm not as relaxed to just let things roll.
 I decided to test this time for group B strep which I had refused my last 3 babies, but at the risk of preterm labor I thought I probably should.  A week before the test I started taking 2000mg of vitamin C as this can help your body get rid of the bacteria and sure enough I tested negative. I was thrilled as I'd be pretty bummed about wiping out mine and my babies guts right from the get go.
My appetite is pretty much gone and I have to remind myself to eat, twins really rely on the mothers nutrition  at this point and tend to gain less than a singleton. 

This week was a rollercoaster for sure, I had many ups and many many downs!  I feel quite emotional needing well meaning people to leave me alone ( don't worry if your reading this it's not you)  and really wanting other people close. I'm sure it's the lack of sleep this week. My midwife has been an amazing  source of support with facebook chats when I feel like I have hit a wall and a couple phone calls. I'm sure she is one of the reasons I have made it so far.

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