Wednesday, February 12, 2014

3 Months Today

My little love bugs are three months old today. Three months my little man fights for his life with every heart beat and his twin bond encourages him to keep going. Today was a milestone we made our first pumping goal. Henry has only ever been given formula once after his surgery he is fed EBM through continuous NG feeds.
God is giving us Grace through the pain to get through each day. I am learning what it truly means to be so empty and have no strength and fully count on His strength. Some days go smooth and I am strong and confidant and others I am shaking in fear crying and screaming on the floor. God is using one of the most amazing things to teach us to be joyful in suffering. How can you not wake up every morning to TWO babies smiling from ear to ear at you. My heart feels like it could explode every morning.  Without these tests how could our faith be perfected?  I am not passing these tests perfectly nope not even close, I'm failing most of them but I know if I'm faithful and allow the Lord to do his work we will come out on the other end when the real joy comes knowing we held on to the Lord through it all. Then I can say to other mama's starting out " I know, I really know and the Lord is faithful to bring you through each day."

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