Tuesday, July 3, 2012

hard work

Mothering is hard work, I know because I am right here in the middle of it. I know moms need encouragement everyday, because I do too. I'm very thankful to have a husband that daily tells me what a great job I am doing even if I don't feel like I am. He is quick to point out progress. Like look so and so gets buckled up right away remember in the summer they would bounce around in the car until you got to them. Or look he says thank-you with out asking "what do you say?" so and so is doing that chore without being asked remember 10 months ago you had to remind him everyday. It's good to stop and look back at the progress that has been made.

For the past little while I have been on a little journey kinda like a journey to the heart. Letting go of things that I held onto for no real reason for example *fear*. I quietly have walked through different area's in my heart and gave up things that I really didn't need to grip onto. I never saw how much I was not letting the Lord in based on my opinion on something that really had nothing to do with my home or family. I decided to lay my opinions at the foot of the cross ( don't confused opinion and personal conviction together) and just let go. To rest in what the Lord has given me and called me to do and I saw for the first time it has little to do with what or how my neighbors do something.

One great thing about having many little children is you constantly get to check yourself at every stage on the way, just when you think you "mastered' an age and your know it all wisdom pops up the next little one is right there to work out some more kinks in your life.
I think it may just be what God meant that women will be saved through childbearing.
Which brings me to the miror when I truly look at myself is it really what I want my children to be? You can not harbor resentment secretly towards other people including your children and expect their hearts to soft and submissive. You can not be greedy with your time and expect them to share their things. We also can't run from the Lord's correction and expect them to receive correction from us.

Being mom is alot like being pastor, we have our own little congregation right in our four walls. It means connecting with each child, it means noticing when someone needs something or needs a break. It means sacrificing my peace for fun, clean kitchen floors for play dough that someone mixed with water or letting that older child make everyone snack.
None of this is new but it's new in away for me to look inward not what I think will help so and so.