Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At the Creek!

We had so much fun at the creek tonight. I just wish we could get a whole family picture when we go out.

The kids had a blast, they are so imaginative.

Gosh I could eat this baby!!!

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Hi Miranda, I am Jody's mom, she gave me your blog addy so I could read about and see you and your family. I had typed out a long comment and then found out I couldn't go under 'anonymous' like I do with Jody's and the other blogs I visit. Jody has tried to walk me through this tech thing but finally said 'just go anonymous' - she knows I almost intentionally will stay far from learning more about the internet. But I couldn't post on your blog without it and when she reads this will be so proud of her old mom!

So my original comment is lost but I just wanted to tell you how blessed you are (as I'm sure you know!) to have such beautiful children and surely they are blessed to have you as their mother. And also, you have a striking resemblence to Jody - I wonder if you two have realized that?! I am looking forward to reading your whole blog when I have a chance, in the meantime, many blessings to you all, Jayne Holmes