Monday, August 4, 2008

Like Olive Shoots

"Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table"(Ps128:3).

Today we had a nice slow morning. Chris made us all a nice big breakfast, so we all relaxed, talked and just enjoyed being a family. Each of our children are different, it's during our mealtimes that these amazing little people show.
"The home-life should also be made bright and full of sunshine. The courtesty of the true home is not stiff and formal but sincere, simple and natural. Children need an atmosphere of gladness. Law should not make its restraints hang like chains upon them. Sternness and coldness should have no place in home-life of in family government. No child can ever grow up into its richest and best development in a home which is gloomy and unhappy. No more do plants need sunshine and air than children need joy and gladness. Unhappiness stunts them, so that their sweetest graces never come out."----JR Miller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Home-making, the quote, I reconize it. ;)