Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pure Contentment

T. DeWitt Talmage
If we would have a true home, we must guard well our thoughts and actions. A single bitter word may disquiet the home for a whole day; but, like unexpected flowers which spring up along our path full of freshness, fragrance and beauty, so do kind words and gentle acts and sweet disposition make glad the home where peace and blessing dwell. No matter how humble the abode, if it be thus garnished with grace and sweetened by kindness and smiles, the heart will turn lovingly towards it from all the tumults of the world, and home, " be it ever so humble," will be the dearest spot under the sun.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. We all woke up with nasty head colds and have been feeling a little rotten. Yesterday I lite some candles and we snuggled up in bed for the afternoon and read Missonary Stories With The Millars. It was peaceful and calm and slowly each of them fell fast asleep. I love that all six of us still can manage to squeeze into my queen size bed. Today although not feeling much better decided to take a nice long drive into the country. With littles all buckled into seats and a stop at Tim Horton's we were on our way. My oldest sat up near me where we could talk, he makes me so excited for the teen years. There's something about them growing up that is so sweet. Him and I have alot in common, we share alot of the same dreams and visions. We ended up stopping in at a friends house and the children went for a swim in the lake. It was one of those day where you feel the love of your family. And you just sigh with pure contentment.


Anonymous said...

I shouldn't be, yet I envious of you and your beautiful family

Anonymous said...

So sweet