Monday, August 11, 2008


My sweet boy(3 y/o) dug these up for me today. Some yummy fresh tater's and OOPS one beet.

We had a wonderful morning today. We woke up to the sun beaming through our kitchen window. Today was our first day back to starting school work. We are starting quite lite until we really get into the flow of it. Started with Bible and then some math.
We busied ourselves inside, cleaning all around so we could relax and enjoy the afternoon. I had planned to bake some cookies with Natalie but realized I was out of fresh organic eggs. And it's just not worth getting store bought when we are so used to our farm fresh.
We had a peaceful afternoon. I washed dishes by hand enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face yet my toes were frozen because the a/c vent was blowing on them. lol Sometimes I really enjoy standing at the sink washing dishes and day dreaming. Listening to the children play outside. It's during these quiet times that I become really comfortable with myself. And I thank the Lord for my family. I become OK with my strengths and weakness. As I look out my kitchen window I realise how perfect God's plan is for us. And He reminds me that I am the perfect mother for my sweet children. That building the relationships with these five blessings are lasting and joyous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet post. Sniff. I look out my kitchen window and get to see oleander bushes or our neighbor in her bikini next to the pool. I usually just leave my beautiful white curtains closed and listen to Emma chatter away in the livingroom.

We started school too! School for sitting quietly in church. It requires 1 hour of reading and sitting still. I am enjoying it emmensly... Emma has no comment.