Sunday, June 14, 2009

ER Trips

How is it two little sweet hearts like this can keep you hopping all weekend??
We ended up with not one but two ER trips this weekend. The first started with Natalie on Saturday she was playing outside while Chris was mowing the lawn. Zachary spotted a spider on her hand, he told her to stay still as he was going to flick it off. But before he got it off it bit her.
I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard the scream!
She was bit in between her pinkie and ring finger, and it started to go a little purple. After a call to the nurses hot line we decided to go get her checked out as her hand was feeling "funny".
Two hours later they were back home and all was good. Just a few things to keep an eye on but she was fine. Praise the Lord cause I was a little nervous.
Next up we have Miss Rachael Joy, I didn't see it happen but just as church was ending she was holding on to Chris's hand and dropped to the ground to pick something up and her arm slipped out.
Poor baby cried and cried, I don't do well with those kinds of things. I can't handle the kids getting hurt my heart falls into my stomach I get dizzy and can't think. We left right away and again Chris went back to the ER where they put it back in. I guess it is a common injury among children ages one to four where their elbow becomes partly dislocated, and the forearm slips from the normal position in the elbow joint. They call it Nursemaid Syndrome.
When I said good night to these two ladies I told them that was enough owies, that mommy's heart can't handle anymore.


Bloggy Mama said...

Oy. So glad that all is well. And that we have good doctors in our hospitals. PTL!

Chas said...

What precious, precious pictures!!! I am so sorry about the ER trips, they are totally the PITS! But thankfully they were not TOO bad. :)
I hope you have a beautiful, un-eventful week (meaning no trips to the ER!!) :)

Dell said...

So sorry about the ER trips! No fun. (Grateful they are ok now though!)

Beautiful, beautiful pictures.

Jody Spark said...

I feel just sick imagining what you (and they) must have felt. Thanks be to God that they were minor injuries.

Anonymous said...

AWWW, and teh hits just keep on comin'. Glad everything is well. Praise the Lord.

Hey those turned out cute! The dresses. The girls are too cute for words though. ;)