Saturday, July 11, 2009

Letting go of everything that robs me of Peace.
Rachael’s eye lashes.
The kind of rain that hits the window.
Snuggled in bed with my little ones under duvets and soft fluffy pillows, watching tired, tired, tired eyes grow heavier and heavier, after a full and busy day....
Steamed milk with Vanilla
Staying up late until you’re so tired you can’t stop laughing.
A hot cup of tea in the afternoon with your bible.
A tear drenched pillow.... from crying out to the Lord
Holding a warm little hand.
Bread in the oven.. and enjoying it with my family around the table.
Having a long talk with someone dear.
Sadness, is feeling a child grieve a loss...and crying with them
Being judged harshly by one who knows little to nothing.

Joy, is being outside in the morning watering all the flowers.
Holding a sweat baby for hours on end just because you know you won’t get to for long.
Hearing the door open after a long day....seeing your husband home.

Beauty, is all these children, when they smile....
Forgiving someone who has hurt you... and truly letting it all go.

Something yummy, a chocolate cake coming out of the oven
Chubby little fingers with dripping ice cream running down

Loneliness, is keeping a joy or sorrow all to myself.
Not hearing from someone close.

Gentleness, is the feel of my child's warm breath on my face, during sound sleep.
Rocking the bigger ones in the rocking chair even if they don’t fit.
A nursing baby.
Saying hard things that need to be said to.
Crying with someone.

Comfort, is being understood, and accepted.
A bubble bath.
An evening with candles lit around the living room
The hand knit blanket on my legs.
Staying up with a feverish child.

Contentment is the soap suds in the sink knowing your family is well nourished.
The breeze blowing through the dining room window.

Heartache, is judgement, misunderstandings, and unforgiveness.
Missing a loved one, you know you will never see
Wishing I could take back something I have said, and knowing I can never take it back...

Hearing is, my baby in the womb for the very first time and the joy that pours out as well as the tears
hearing little feet running into my room during the darkness of the night...and wrapping my arms around them.

Friendship is, thinking the best.
saying I'm sorry.....
being forgiven.....
good food, good conversation, tears and laughter.
I got this idea from another blog, what things in your life are beautiful?


Kristi said...

So neat! I'll have to do this sometime soon. :) Thank you for sharing!

Shelly said...

Thats really beautiful Miranda

Denise said...

Love all the feet in your header!