Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Fire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miranda What a great video one big loud shout of amen from my mouth I appreciate the raw truth and my heart breaks daily when I just cant make my extended family see the reality of this and what it truly means to serve Jesus with every ounce and fiber of your being Repentance is key I have the same passion as you to protect my family and I will not stop until the Lord raptures me home or I die and go home I have the same tear shedding heart wrenching mission to be a family that serves God with all we have I would love to extend my hand and heart to you as a friend and not a superficial friend but a truth down to the core friend as we trudge forward with the full Armour of God on and press on towards the goal. I have been scared too Miranda and my true friends are few.I value what you think and I give you my full permission to share your thoughts with me you are my sister in Jesus Christ!!!!!!! Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend Proverbs 27:17 Love eternally Sarah
2 Corinthians 4