Sunday, November 22, 2009


Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a mother. I was an only child until I was seven years old. I remember when my mom had my brother I was in love. I knew I would have lots of babies. When I was a young teen I loved to babysit and even thought it was crazy people paid me to do this. I was so honored every time someone called me to watch their children.

When Chris and I started to have babies it was my goal to be the best mom. To raise Godly children who love the Lord. I was going to make sure I was striving to be a godly wife, and homemaker. I would make lists Id cloth diaper, I have spent hours upon hours doing research on vaccinating, I homeschool, strictly limit TV, I started holding my babies in a sling, then to an ergo, we co-slept, child led weaning, natural child birth, really this list could go on and on. My children were my priority.
I love mothering.

But do you know what? I love Jesus more than all this.

He alone is the one that my heart burns for.

He is the one that makes me want to love my children.

None of this even matter's compared to what Christ did for me.

All that matters is that my house serves the Lord.


Anonymous said...

What a precious thought.

Bloggy Mama said...

And God is the ultimate parent role-model.... aren't we lucky??!