Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring and other Random thoughts

Running: I started running again. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It's hard to get motivated to get out there and do it yet when you are nearing the end of your run it's amazing and your thankful you did it.

Kitchen floors: this time of year makes my kitchen floor almost impossible to keep up on. Defiantly works long suffering and patience in me.

Doggie droppings: We have been paying the older two boys 25 cents a dropping and this as motivated them to keep the yard dropping free. Therefore no ones comes in the house with stinky shoes.

Sleep: We really haven't had a whole lot lately.

Sore tummies and ear infections: Baby has been having a hard time, back and forth to the doctor has now resulted in a referral to a ped. Natalie has been such a tropper she's been battling an earinfect for well over a month. Two different antibiotic's and looks like another trip to the doctor tomorow.

11 months: That's how old my baby treasure is now.

Birthdays: My first born boy is growing up fast and is now 11 years old. The years are slipping by. So much to teach and so little time...

Kittens: Natalie's cat had 4 little babies, there's something whimsical about kittens in your home.
That's what we have been up to, it's been a little more busy than normal. I hope to start blogging next week and little more regularly.


Chrystal said...

love that photo of your girls! So sweet!

Bloggy Mama said...

Supah!! Great update. Your 11-year-old is quite a wonderful young man. I've enjoyed each time I've spoken with him. Bless you, Miranda. Have a great weekend!