Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April Showers

Today's is on the dark drizzly side. The rain sounds amazing. I have always love the sound of rain, and as soon as it started I went and opened all the windows, gathered all the little people and we practised or catechisms.
What a beautiful start to the morning.
School always slows right down this time of year, but today the older ones were asking what they could do. They went downstairs and found their Canada workbooks and got right to work.
Meanwhile I have lite candles through out the house have some soft worship music playing and my little ones have pulled out stacks of books curled up on the sofa together.
It's a slow morning, but later this afternoon we will load everyone into the Suburban and go see Daddy at work.
I thought I would sit down and write something while I had my tea, it's almost time to go nurse my little one down for a nap. What a precious time.... this gives me about 20-30 to cover my husband and children in prayer. It's a memory of nursing babies that I will always cherish, the moments of cradling a gift from God and bathing them in prayer.

I pray that each of my friends would enjoy the gift of each precious one in your family, and the safe haven, and peaceful rest, of your home.

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