Monday, May 17, 2010

Some Interesting Things About Me

I've been thinking lately on why I can easily get so frustrated with people and I *think* it comes down to being an introvert.
I am always thinking. I think this is why I enjoy my blog so much, I can say what I feel like saying. I much more prefer written communication over talking. In my marriage when I need to talk but don't know how because it's too heavy for me I keep a written journal for Chris to read. But I think this is why I am so misunderstood with my friends.

As an introvert I have a tendency to always be observing. Which can easily be mistaken for being "snobby" It's funny because I like being around people, though not necessarily for the purpose of interacting.
But, as a introvert I need solitude in order to recharge. Solitude is a necessity, I don't thrive too long with out it.

I need alot of time alone. This may not make much sense coming from a mother of 6, but being alone with just my family is "alone" to me. Spending to much time with people drains me I slowly begin to shut down, until it becomes necessary to withdraw from the situation.

I found out things unique to me, as an introvert, that I had never thought of. For example, I don't do well with interruptions. Why? Because of my need to think before I respond. This often causes extroverts to grow impatient, which is why we tend to have other people answer for us. I usually don't get past an "Uh..." or a "Hmm..." because by the time I'm ready to answer, someone has already answered for me!

Introverts dislike small talk. We prefer deep meaningful conversations with one or two close friends.

Although I love quiet solitude, I also love having a few deep and intimate relationships. With these two things, I thrive.


Shelly said...

Goodness, I think you also just described me!! I am not a small talk person, I am not a person to chat for hours on the phone ... do much better with written communications. I get in trouble at work because I don't "interact" with the other staff with mundane, non-work related conversations .... I have little patience for it.

But I think that I need to recognize it and work on it ... but I don't think anything will have me chit chatting about nothing with people that are not a close part of my life.

Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts. I don't consider myself an introvert, however, I do dislike small talk and I do love my alone time as well. I also love to communicate things through written word. I find this easier so that I can play with my words to make sure what I'm saying is the way I want to say it. Plus, if I'm upset, it gives me a way to calm down and relax.
I think you have always been an introvert though. I always remember you being quiet unless it was just us playing and you did take a few seconds to answer sometimes. And I know people thought you to be snotty, but I just never saw it that way. I always loved you and your company. I loved you just the way you were :)

Jody Spark said...

I think I understand you because I'm married to someone just like you. My dh could have written your post :D

Kristi said...

We are a lot alike. :) Except that many of my children are extroverts so far and very LOUD and active, and sometimes I need time away from them too, which is why early bedtimes help :) I'd love to catch up soon. Did you think about getting gmail? :) I'll look for you on facebook too. For some reason when I try to chat on facebook the typing and ability to respond slows the computer way down or something.

Bloggy Mama said...

Sounds like my husband. Also, I am SO the opposite that it has taken some learning in our relationship to get to a good balance :)