Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Faith Like a Mustard Seed.

Tonight we took everyone for a long drive, the little ones napped 4 hours this afternoon so bedtime was nowhere in the near future. As we were out we got talking about the huge abundance of mustard plants that seem to be taking over ever free space along train tracks or open fields. I have never noticed this in our city before.
It's funny cause as we were out Chris and I were talking about faith and trusting in God and how brutally hard it can be sometimes.

On Mother's Day this year we went on a day trip to an old historic ranch on our way home the suburban was making some pretty scary grinding sounds. And it was only by the Grace of God it made it into our driveway. Within a few days we had a quote of how much it was going to cost us. After swallowing really hard we said "OK lets pray".

Fast forward 2 weeks later, God started speaking to both Chris and I about something that he wanted us to do. It took us both a few days to put the pieces together that God was speaking to us the same thing.
As it turns out we both felt God asking us to give away a certain percentage of our income away.
What on earth!!
Why right now? We can't even get our truck fixed!

Fast forward a few more weeks, the truck is fixed but we can't pick it up because we didn't have the money to pay for it. So it sat at the shop for 2 weeks. finally the company calls and says they really need us to move it. So we swallow again and take Chris's whole cheque and pay for it. We were scared! really scared but we both know with out a shadow of a doubt that God is faithful. But we just used all our food money, bill money, rent money to pay for this.
Yet we still had faith that everything was going to be OK. The long and short of it, Our cupboards are full, our rent is paid, and so are the bills. We don't know how ( well we do) but it doesn't make sense on paper. But the funny thing is we never were given money, we were never given anything. God made everything stretch. And oddly, when I checked my bank today it still said $0.00. But I used my debt card just yesterday!!!

OK so back to our drive to night, there is a ton of mustard plants everywhere. And it reminded us so much of our faith.
They say a mustard seed is one of the tiniest seeds and honestly when the truck broke and then we felt to give what we did have away which was certainly not "extra" I don't know if even mustard seed size faith was what I had. It was so scary and really hard not to think logical.

But I know deep in my heart that mustard seed faith moves mountains. And no matter how weak I think my faith is, it's enough to get through what we are facing because we have "little faith" in a big God.

Matthew 17:20 says, "If you have faith as small as the mustard seed, nothing will be impossible to you."

Little Faith + Big God = Huge Results!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

The great thing about seeing those plants too, is all the seeds you see that just ONE seed brings about. It reminds me that as parents, our OWN faith, spreads like these seeds, to our children. :)