Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Well Hello..

I have been wanting to post for a few days now, but I was consumed my a book that stole every free moment in my evening.
I joined a book club for the month of June, we were reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

“To come to see that God’s love is a deep, warm love—a love constantly lavished on us quite irrespective of our merits, a love that cost the cross—is to reach a turning point. It is impossible to experience this love and remain unchanged. A man may respond to it with all his being, saying in effect, ‘This is tremendous. Deep down this is what I have always wanted.’ He will then open his heart to God’s love and respond with an answering love. On the other hand he may reject this self-sacrificing love, thus joining the succession of those who put Christ on the cross. What he cannot do is remain neutral. Attempting to remain neutral in the face of such love is itself a rejection, for love like this cries out to be received.”
Leon Morris
Testaments of Love, 165

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
Psalm 143:8 (ESV)

God’s love for you is not one of toleration but of tender compassion. You may struggle with believing that God loves you because you keep on discovering ugliness in your self-life. You keep stumbling in your daily walk and wonder how God could really love you when you fail so often. You may have become disgusted with yourself and thought that God must feel the same way about you. God has known perfectly the worst about you, ugliness that you have not yet discovered about yourself, and for reasons He never explains He set His love upon you for all eternity. His love is patient and kind forever. His love always extends forgiveness with longsuffering towards you. His steadfast love never fails. God wants you to receive His unexplainable love in your unworthy state and thank Him for it with a worshiping heart. __________________________________________________________________________

This weekend we drove down to the creek where our kids love to swim. But due to the month of rain we had the creek was no longer a creek but a rushing river. After we oood and awwwwd over the power of this water we went home to fill up our pool.

The kids swam for 5 hours straight! I came in the house while the baby snoozed and made the most yummy sausage pinwheels for a light dinner.
With all this rain we have been getting we have really been plugging away with school. I have been working on creating a summer schedule for us all, I think we are going to work really hard until August when Chris and Austin leave for Guatemala. Zachary and I have a running list of things to do while they are gone.

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