Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Things Only a 5 Year Old Can Show You......if you let him

I have always been so proud of myself at how I grew up in a home where there was alot of yelling and anger and yet I never repeated the cycle of yelling.
I tend to be really laid back.

I'm going to tell you a story about something that was said to me today......

Today I was washing the floor by hand so my head was down and I was deep in thought( I do my best thinking down there). My 5 year old came up put his sweet hand on my head and I said " oh hun, hop out I'm washing the floor" he turned around and scooted out. But he sat in the entrance of the kitchen and he said " Mom, I don't like it when your mad." I didn't look up but kept washing " I'm not mad Presley" He said " ya the other time you were mad I could tell by your eyes".
Sadly I really can't remember which time he is talking about but it is something that is bugging him. Not an hour later I was brushing Natalie's hair and she said " mom did you know you hurt Presley's feelings" I was shocked! Why can't I recall what I did?? I asked her why and she said "When you were talking to dad" again I can not remember ANYTHING. I said " OK thanks Natalie. Privately called Chris at work and said " did we argue about something in front of the kids?" He was as sure as I was that no nothing was said...

For the rest of the day I racked my brain and really thought about what anger is and what is could look like in the eyes of a small child.

I'm starting to realize that the spirit of anger is JUST as harmful as someone who blows up.
So what is anger? Anger is a feeling and feelings are just flesh so we have no right to be angry!
Then today I read this "There are some things you just don’t do at your house.

You don’t bring X rated movies into your house and watch them as a family.

You don’t bring an idol into your living room and bow down before it.

You don’t have a witch come into your house and hold a seance.

And you don’t get angry in your house.

Ephesians 4: 31 says, "let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger... be put away from you."

See what hit me today, is my children are spiritual beings and they sense things just like I do.
No I may not be the mom that screams at her kids, or the mom who is flipping out, but I have displayed a spirit of anger that my children sense! And it was hurting them.

As women we believe so many worldly lies, like it's who I am, it's that time of the month and everything else we says to justify our flesh. We need to get real with the truth and call it what it is. SIN! we need to ask our spouses you love and care about us to point out the spirit of anger in us when they start to see it creep up. And we need to be humble enough to repent. Not only to Jesus but to our family.

The first words to each of my family members each day should be words of praise. Those words set the stage for the rest of the relationships that day.
Praise is a huge motivator. Praise is a magnet that draws your children's hearts to you. Praise is also a defense for you against wrong words and attitudes. So today I really took all my emotions captive, it's funny because I really had to take notice and repent of the deep sigh or the "oh dear" when something happens. I prayed that He would fill me with His Spirit and produce fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life.

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