Monday, July 5, 2010

Last night I had one of the best sleeps in a very long time. My little two have been down with fevers now for a week. So last night it all caught up with me and I snuggled in with Jude and Rachael curled up on either side of me. I had shut off the air conditioner cause the rain pounded down and it was really soothing to drift away too, windows open wide.

Chris took the older kids to church in the morning while I stayed home and did some much needing baking. The house smelled amazing come the afternoon with banana muffins and honey bran raisin muffins cooling on racks.

I threw together my Grandma's old bone broth soup recipe from Italy together for dinner. With hopes my Little's would eat some. While it was delicious they were feeling too badly to try. Since long naps took place in the afternoon we pack everyone up and went for a long drive. Babies were all fast asleep when we pulled into the driveway.

Not too much else to report over here. The weather forcast for the next week is going to be hot hot hot!! We plan to pack up in the mornings and spend the days near water.

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