Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Already

Friday already?! I'm looking forward to having Chris home for two days. Even though he's been home he's been very ill. He has lost 15 lbs since the beginning of his trip. But is on the mend with his energy back.

We have been back to school for a full week now. I love having these guys with me all day, it really builds character in me. How could it not?
It's been busy! Training little ones in the mists of all the work. Nipping somethings in the bud, that I had missed. But after 3 days there is light! Praise God!

Chris and I have really been talking about the links between bitterness and pride. I have asked Chris to pray for me daily that I will walk humbly and not react to things in haste. Even if I'm just reacting to my husband, it's still wrong. I read this list this week and wrote it out for my fridge and also a quote on bitterness.

Common Signs of Bitterness:

1. Gossip and Slander

2. Ungrateful and Complaining

3. Judges Motives

4. Self-centered

5. Excessive Sorrow

6. Vengeful

7. Brooding

8. Loss of Joy

9. A Critical, Judgmental Attitude

Entertaining bitterness can result in a woman who acts out and yells at her husband & children, pouts to get attention, name-calls, criticizes, manipulates by crying (or silence) to get her way, and acts no less like a child who is throwing a tantrum. Only now, the scary thing is...she is a full blown adult! It truly defiles her family and herself. (Heb 12:15)

"The total price for your sin has been paid. “It is finished!” The debt is cancelled. God’s justice was completely satisfied. The pen of your Heavenly Father’s sovereign grace has written with the ink of His own Son’s blood, “You are forgiven for all, and you are Mine forever.” Nothing more can be done. No one can sew back the veil that was torn in two at the entrance to the Holy of Holies. The Father Himself tore it from top to bottom because His Son’s torn flesh and shed blood paid the full price. Bring your sin and shame before Him and He will cleanse your soul and conscience once again, and He will do it as often as you need it. You can rejoice—truly rejoice—in His steadfast love for you. Hate the sin and shame because of the grief it causes your Heavenly Lover; be honest with Him about it; thankfully receive the gift bought by His Son, the Lord Jesus, and rejoice with praise."

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