Friday, October 15, 2010

Sick Little Lambs

This morning when I woke up the sound of rain filled my bedroom. I laid here quietly trying to shake off the nausea, soon I had drifted back to sleep with 3 little warm bodies all snuggled in. Not long after the house started to wake up and I heard foot prints and dishes clashing, but soon I found it was not breakfast being prepared but lemon tea. All the children had sore throats! They were busy trying to find a home remedy as they had been eagerly awaiting
Friday to come as we were to head to good friends house for a Robin Hood game. After hot tea with honey and Tylenol and teary eyes all half asleep on the sofa I called to say we wouldn't make it. Oh they were disappointed.

Mommy became nurse and threw together a big ol' pot of chicken noodle soup. The aroma quickly filled the house of soup and Vick's vapor rub. Pale faced children sat around the table and slurped and sipped the hot soup, while I walked around the house shutting curtains and blinds so we could rest for the remainder of the afternoon. My sweet little Jude when he sees me make his noon time bottle he goes to grab my Oswell Chambers devotional and packs it off to my bed.
Sweetest thing you ever did see. In no time at all I could hear Jude sucking his soother and Rachael sucking her thumb. I laid there praying and thanking Jesus for where we were at sick and sore.

Oh let me tell you the eternal rewards out weigh the temporary aches and pains of pregnancy.

Since baby number 4 the growth this has caused me spiritually is amazing.
I am so thankful the Lord led me to this place, where after the birth of every new baby causes me to grow as the woman I have longed to be. I have been saved from myself through childbirth. Continually dying over and over learning to serve my family.
Each one of these children is a blessing, each one causes me to grow in a different way, teaching me to respond in a more gracious Godly manner. Living this way has led me to much joy, peace, less stress, and a relationship with Jesus that I never had before. I feel his gentle nudge asking me to remember to live the quiet life, serve my family and to “Be still, and know that I am God.” Shutting off the things that pull my heart and leave me weary. I ask myself what does it look like to be still? to live quietly? Does this mean saying "No" to even those things that are good? It's interesting to me that this illness has come as I have been feeling the nudge to step back for sometime now. Nothing makes you slow down and to think of those in your home like sickness does, causing me to lay down *my* plans and truly see what slowing down means.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

This was beautiful, Miranda. I loved what you said about noticing so much growth after baby #4, the same thing has happened here too. I am so relieved and happy that God allowed us to continue having babies, I cannot imagine if we had missed out on #3,4, and 5 like so many people do. ((((hugs)))) I hope everyone is feeling better and you have gotten some peace and answers as far as stepping back or what you want to do regarding that.