Sunday, October 17, 2010

Were you raised in a barn?

“The memory of the beautiful and happy home of childhood is the richest legacy any mother and father can leave to their children.” - B.G. Northrup

On Saturday Chris and I were chatting about building our little ones a fort out of a cardboard box. We often are making and doing crafty things with our big guys, and the little ones are happy and content with paper and crayons. So today while littles had runny noses we got busy. A few things we wanted to keep in mind was to use as much materials that we had or were free. We ended needing to buy duct tape and some paint, but we made this whole thing for under $18.
By the looks on my little ones faces their fort was better than anything that ever could have been purchased, because their dad and mom made this together just for them.
This is sure to keep them busy for weeks to come while the older children are at the table doing their school work. Ever since I started homeschooling 7 years ago there has always been a little one toddling around the house. They have always been happy with the small activities I have provided weather it be at the table coloring, or play dough they all have naturally by the age of 4-5 been ready and willing for the seat work. I don't believe this is something that naturally just happens in homes. How often do we hear mothers say "Oh my child would never sit still that long" or "that would be wrecked in a day at our house" Little children need to be loving trained all day long to have happy contented little hearts. We do them a disservice when we don't teach them to sit quietly. These little guys need to be under our wing with a joyful mama, this is how strong character is built. It's during these times of simple free play that I start to see tiny little seeds of fruit growing in my small children. when I over hear a little one say "I'm sorry" and watch as they rub their younger siblings back that I am encouraged we are on the right track.

While Chris worked away on this and little ones napped I prepared a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. My mom came over to join us for dinner which was lovely.
Today will be a slow paced day, we didn't make it to church this morning. It was a calm peaceful morning with all our kiddlets all tucked into our bed trying to escape the chilly morning air. We had a frost last night, I heard the heat kick in a few times through out the night. Defiantly time to layer up the beds and pull out the fleece pj's. A couple of my little guys really don't like jammie's so it takes some convincing. It pains me to go check on them and they feel like little popsicles.
There is a sweet smell filling my house right now as there are 2 apple pies in the oven, I am going to go put together a lasagna for dinner tonight as Chris will have to leave a little early to go lead our care group at church. I will be staying home tonight so that we don't pass the cold germs, getting little ones bathed and tucked into bed early.


Shelly said...

I pray you never doubt what a wonderful home you are building for your children! You are the mom I would long to be if I had children ..... and your home is one full of blessings and cherished moments that will serve your children well, no matter where in life they go.

miranda said...

Aw Shell, I can always count on you for encouragment!

We need to have a chatt soon!!!

Michelle said...

Hi Miranda, this is Chelle from IHP. I just wanted to say I think these pictures are adorable. I love the animals! Sounds like you guys had a truly wonderful day!