Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Time Changes

With the time change this past Saturday it left us all thrown for a loop. All my little ones have been yawning and sleepy at the dinner table and in bed sound asleep by 6:30pm. And the big kids asking Dad to come pray with them at 8:00!

Yesterday was a busy day, my little ones were out of sorts and the whole day was crumbling before my eyes. Everything was happening all at once, my one year old was climbing on the chair that the five year old was doing math on the PC and smacking the keyboard. Every time he was lifted down he would cry, then my three year old would trip and need a snuggle which would make the one year old mad. My big ones tried their best to stay focused on there book work but the noise level was just too much.
I haven't had one of those day in a very long time. My sore tired pregnant self found myself sitting on the wood floors holding littles and reading picture books to keep a somewhat peaceful home. I was not very successful, and found myself counting down to when my husband would walk through the door. I sat on the kitchen counter explaining to him about my day which came out in a fine line between laughing and crying. After dinner he told me to go have a bath and he would clean up. I filled the tub all the way too the top and laid back so my ears were under water. It was quiet. It gave me time to pray and tackle bedtime with grace, it's amazing when you remember to do that how much more smooth things go. I reminded myself of the vision God has laid on our hearts, sometimes it's so easy to forget when your changing diapers, wiping noses, make meal after meal, and all the daily training. Some days you feel like you haven't moved forward at all.
I read in Psalm 145:4 it says "One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy might acts"
Ahhhh my reaction to days like yesterday will go far beyond my children's hearts. But will affect their children as well. Boy that makes me suck it up with the "woe is me my day was hard".

Motherhood is not easy. It's a really hard job, everyday day something comes up but I can rest that God is with me. It's so easy to complain about what we are going through, I find the hard thing to do is to remember God's promise to us if we are faithful. It's been such a blessing lately to exercise the words "no I can't" or "no that will not work for us" So often I think us moms feel guilty if we are not involved in everything offered to us. I think in our young years as moms we are offered so many *good* things but that we forget there is no greater way to serve the Lord if you have little ones in your home. He wants us to give ourselves totally to them, I now see we cant do that effectively if so many other good things are pulling our time and energy.

Saturday I spent the day baking all day for the freezer. I didn't get everything I had planned done but I still did alot. Three banana bread, Four pumpkin loaves, 36 chocolate chocolate chip muffins, and 36 apple nut muffins. I love having stuff on hand like that.
It felt so good to stay home and bless my husband a children with all the yummy treats.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

What an excellent reminder!