Thursday, January 20, 2011

When people say negitive things

My friend Michele wrote this but I just loved it, I am so guilty of not responding to people when they say something infront of my children along the lines of "being crazy".

Imagine if all people on earth acknowledged that children are a blessing, a gift, a heritage from the Lord! Even if only all of the Christians believed that! Oh, the joy we would have in raising them, having so much support instead of opposition!

I realized today that I need to have compassion on those that do not understand the high value of children, instead of letting them get to me. The Bible teaches us that the best way to overcome evil is with good. I decided that the next time that someone insinuates that my children are a burden rather than a blessing, even if it is a sly "joke" type of a comment, I am going to completely disarm them!

I am going to stop everything I am doing, I am going to give them the biggest smile ever, and I am going to tell them with all sincerity that my hope for them is that they can one day be so blessed as to have their lives filled with wonderful, life-giving children! I am going to end my comment by ever so kindly stating that I pity those that cannot see that children are the way of the future, and are too busy wasting their time on things that do not last!

I think it is high time for me to go on the offence! No more defence for me! Why do I listen to all of the comments, and never say anything of any real value back? May the Lord use me today to start changing the world's perspective on children, one naysayer at a time! Whether that naysayer be family, friend, believer or stranger!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Go get 'em Miranda!! Someone made a snotty comment to a woman in my class about her having 8 children. I looked at her with a big smile and said "do you really have 8 kids" because what a wonderful household it must be ... and she cast her eyes down and said "no, only five" but I think she was embarrassed that this other lady had drawn attention to it as being abnormal. I happily threw in that my friend in Kamloops was expecting her 7th any day now and how fantastic it is and she looked at me, smiled, and we had a lovely conversation about her kids.

How cruel some people can be ... or maybe its how unfortunate some people can be. I will never know the joy of having kids ... so I will vicariously through you and yours if you don't mind.

And yes, those are run-on sentences.